Changing to Samsung
Finally, I changed to Samsung S3. I’m really disappointed about apple. I think apple is not going to be as great as what it should be after Steve Jobs has gone. Anyway, more about Samsung S3 LTE. I realize it is lighter than iPhone, however it is quite hot if you use it for long. […]
Solved: ESET block win7 Home share folders
This is a linked poste. Eset Firewall and Windows 7 build 7100 I too was having issues with ESS on build 7100 in not being able to reliably share out my folders. I eventually got it to work by modifying some of the settings. You can give the following a try to see if they […]
A song that I love since young
This is a very meaningful mandarin Song from Taiwanese Singer: 鄭智化 called : 水手 Here is the lyrics: 總是幻想海洋的盡頭有另一個世界 總是以為勇敢水手是真正的男兒 總是一副弱不禁風孬種的樣子 在受人欺負的時候總是聽見水手說 他說 風雨中 這點痛算什麼 擦乾淚 不要怕 至少我們還有夢 他說 風雨中 這點痛算什麼 擦乾淚 不要問為什麼 長大以後 為了理想而努力 漸漸地忽略了父親 母親和故鄉的消息 如今的我 生活就像在演戲 說著言不由衷的話 戴著偽善的面具 總是拿著微不足道的成就來騙自己 總是莫名奇妙感到一陣的空虛 總是靠一點酒精的麻醉才能夠睡去 在半睡半醒之間彷彿又聽見水手說 他說 風雨中 這點痛算什麼 擦乾淚 不要怕 至少我們還有夢 他說 風雨中 這點痛算什麼 擦乾淚 不要問為什麼 尋尋覓覓尋不到活著的證據 都市的柏油路太硬踩不出足跡 驕傲無知的現代人不知道珍惜 那一片被文明糟踏過的海洋和天地 只有遠離人群才能找回我自己 在帶著鹹味的空氣中自由地呼吸 耳畔又傳來汽笛聲和水手的笑語 永遠在內心的最深處聽見水手說
What a beautiful Sky
Went out of my house at night and look into the sky, full of stars. Wonderful nature. Wish one day i could embark my journey around the world (which is one of my life wish). How beautiful the sky is. Where on earth is my camera?!!! sigh. . . it is back in singapore. I […]
Recommending a personal Cloud System
I have been using it without a problem for like months and it is really good that i wish i could recommend to more people who needs a personal cloud like me. It also has a blogging function and you could use ur own URL as well. It is called : tonido You can find […]
I realized that I do not have the habit of blogging. So i rewind the purpose of the this web which is to keep an update of my interest. Sooooo, it is ok that i did not blog for a long time LOL.
Keep Raining
It is already Winter, but the whether is not dry at all. Instead, it rains for so many days. That’s kinna weird. My Exams are just around the corner but I’m still busy with my Diablo 3. LMAO.
My macbook Pro is getting old
I can feel it nowadays, my lovely macbook pro 15″ is really old. It is intel core 2 duo when I bought it like 4yrs back while I was still studying in Polytechnics. It gets really slow when running in MAC OS, especially when I have to run photoshop, word and pdf + some other […]
Why is my carpet SO DIRTY!!!
I got no freaking idea why the house we are staying so easy to accumulate dust. In just one day, my carpet is full of dust which could simply be collected and form a “cotton” ball as big as a pingpong ball. —– FML.
Peak at the moon
With flash.
HotPot @ Home
We decided to have a hotpot session at home in order to celebrate my housemate’s birthday. Thus, She invited many of her chinese friends as well as one of our classmates which is also my good friend. Glad to knew few more friends from china. They are really nice people to meet with. Thanks food […]
NextGen dropdown list loading forever
I think many of you will experience the same problem like i do. Thus, I felt i should post the quick fix here. However, if u see any better fix or hot fix on the internet please do let me know. problem: “When I am in the post editor, and click the insert gallery button, […]
Went to Brisbane City for the ANZAC day and watch the parade. After wards, my friends and I went to Mt Coot tha. I’m still trying to get the pictures uploaded as my Photoshop CS4 could not read my D7000 Nikon NEF file (raw file). That really pissed me off. Anyway with help of aperture. […]
Facebook Timeline Suck big time
Hard to imagine i set up my 1st post to scold facebook timeline. Recently, I was forced by facebook to switch to timeline. I was given a deadline which is today in which my profile will be automatically swapped to timeline. I was complete pissed and try all means to change it back but too […]