Time flies?
I though time flies. Feeling like a long time passed, but when I count about it. It is only 7 months passed. Feeling is deceiving in this case. I think it is because I learn a lot of things every day. Worries a lot about everything. That’s I could sense that every tick counts. I […]
An Ordinary Sunday in HK
(1st Test post with picture in Word document) Well it has been quite a while I came to HK. Yet, I did not post anything about my life here. Actually, it is quite a simple life though. So, what I’m going to post today is just an ordinary Sunday in HK. I woke up early […]
Economy in my mind
Look at the market as a whole. These are my 2 cents. AUD should continue to drop, china recovery will not come before 1H 2014. There might be a stimulus package come at the end of July. However, it will not affect the market much as the package is mainly focus on Railway construction which […]
How hard is doing something you like?
So basically how hard it is? I ever wondered. I thought it is simple and easy, just head for it and carefree. However, I was wrong. People tend to consider a lot when it comes to give up whatever they have right now. Just for example, if you already have a job and earning a […]
1st Blog Post by Microsoft Word
This is a testing blog post from Microsoft Word to my Tinieyes.com
Why on earth there are still so much comment spams
I wondering how is this kind of the marketing strategy going to work nowadays. They just simply go around and spam their website URL here and there. Really hate these people. By the way is this way of doing SEO still workable?
A song that i heard from an ads
Just feel it is great to share this songs to ppl who do pay some visits here.
Fell Sick in HK
Fell sick, on the 6th day here. I went to a fast food restaurant yesterday afternoon, it was considered hot about 20 degree celsius in such Winter time. However that damn restaurant turn their air-con on and it was so freaking cold that start trembling half way through the meal. After left the restaurant i […]
Happy New Year
ALMOST FORGET THIS, Happy New Year! Seems Dooms day did not come on time, i guess many gonna be very sad, but I’m sure lot of people are very happy that life goes on. Anyway, A whole new year, so i got to have a whole new plan. Revising my 10 year plan, WHICH IS […]