Month: May 2021

Fresh pasta for lunch

It’s our first time making pasta! Quite manageable but as we don’t have a pasta machine .. rolling , cutting and shaking out the noodle are kinda time consuming ! But it’s all worth it when kids and hubby enjoyed eating their lunch today 😍🎉

Steamed Cute looking bun (Dairy Free)

Followed YouTube recipe by Tinrry baking ( @wangmeijibuns ) she did a clear explanation of all the steps and key points to note! I was in the rush to go out for dinner date with my girls so couldn’t do design on the rest of the buns 😅. Also we replaced cow’s milk with Unsweetened soy […]

Chiffon cake (Dairy Free)

Finally two eldest girls are back in school!! So I attempted to bake a tricolors chiffon cake this morning with my newly bought 20cm chiffon tube pan because Ms. A has been asking for a cake. Just after cracking the second egg, the littlest was crying badly so I was so panicked and rushed everything […]

Matcha Swirl Killer Toast

Adapted from killer toast recipe , perfection with Thermomix in 7 days with some adjustments.

All kneading done by thermomix TM5

Note: – my loaf tin is nonstick so I didn’t bother to grease my tin as it normally slide out quite easily.

[Thermomix] Kueh Salat/ Kueh Seri muka

This Kueh Seri Muka recipe adapted from thermomix Hari raya favorites recipe 2020 edition, by @adrinaawal I reduced the recipe as I’ve only got 107g of glutinous rice at home 😅 and we can’t finish the whole kueh for the full recipe too. So scaling down is perfect for us. Things to note: Most of […]

Dairy-free pizza and vegan mushroom soup for lunch

Pizza Recipe adapted from @ieatishootipost , prepared the dough yesterday afternoon and left in the fridge for overnight proofing. (About 19 hours for our case). Paired with vegan mushroom soup (adapted recipe from thermomix vegan cookbook) Using dairyfree shredded cheddar from @followyourheart and shredded mozzarella cheese from @violife_foods Adjusted recipe to make 4 small pizzas […]

The little N requested me to make bun with her :P

Since yesterday, little N has been asking me to make buns with her. She is so adorable haha, couldn’t say no to her. The last time i left home was 6 months ago. They must be miss me badly. So we have fun today making buns together. little N ask me to take a pic […]

Blue pea flower lemon chiffon cake

Little N requested for purple chiffon cake and I could only got hold of blue pea flower and lemon. So… we tried this combi… Felt like I was having chemistry class in secondary school when mixing the blue pea flower water with lemon juice, the blue water instantly turn purple! Next , I mixed in […]

Vegan glass stained cookies

Baked this again and this time is for my girls’ teachers. Baby L was crying and I thought just one more minute of baking will brown (caramelized) the edges better 🤪but ended up with a tray of burnt cookies. Surprisingly ! ….The cookies actually tasted really yummy after slightly burnt! But Ms. N said it doesn’t look nice so told me not to give them to her teachers

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