

Thank you for popping by!

We are husband and wife. Mr.D likes sharing some interesting reads and his thoughts of the world while Mrs.D likes to get herself busy in the kitchen. Mrs.D especially likes trying out dairy-free recipes to cater to her kid’s diet and share her kitchen adventures with photos taken from her iPhone 12 mini.

In the year of 2016, we were thrilled to receive our bundle of joy, our first baby girl, little A. When A is 8 months old, we decided to slowly wean her off from breast feeding and tried introducing her formula milk. After sipping a little formula milk, she began to cry and developed hives all over her body, eyes are red and many other parts of her body began to swell up. We rushed her to the clinic and were told by her paediatrician that she has severe dairy allergies. Since then we started to learn about food allergies and also scrutinize ingredients list on food labels. 

Eventually, Mr.D realised that he actually has a mild dairy allergies too (Stomach upset after milk intake). He always think it is just lactose intolerance and try his best to avoid milk most of the time. 

This is how we started our journey on dairyfree diet. Besides documenting our food journey in this blog, we also hope to keep our memories about the kids, and one day when they are all grown up they could read it like a diary or some flash backs or even as their recipes book! On the other hand we could share informations/Recipes with parents or anyone about dairy free diets. 

Hope you enjoy reading our posts. Please feel free to comment, like or share. 🙂

N. & D.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. hahaha I misjudge the length of the sausages and picked those from the shelf. Anyway the kids really enjoying wrapping the sausages, duno how they feel when they saw these ugly shapes when they grew up.

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