Tag: bread

Vegan Petit Corn Pan

Have to bake a bigger batch this time because the previous bake only lasted one day! 😅 We really enjoy this corn buns as it’s chewy and have a nice fragrance of the flour. The corn is juicy and sweet too. So I made 12 buns this time round. 😋 total dough before division is […]

Vegan Chocolate Marble Bagel

First time making bagel!  Using a recipe from @makopantail ‘s blog because it looks pretty simple from her blog post.  https://ko-bo.blogspot.com/2012/11/chocolate-marble-bagels.html?m=1I didn’t do well for the shaping as the bagel open up when I did the water bath 🤣 luckily this didn’t affect the taste at all! We tried the bagel when it’s 90% cooled down […]

How I salvaged my bread dough without yeast

I’m not the most organized person and cooking with kids in the kitchen often left me with missing ingredients/steps in my bakes/cooking 😅 so this time… we decided to make a big batch of soft milk buns and I accidentally…. missed out YEAST. After kneading and testing for windowpane, we sent it for first proofing. […]

Vegan Butterfly pea tang zhong Shokupan

Bought a bottle of butterfly pea from @scoopwholefoods_sg yesterday so trying out this shokupan recipe by @foodie.yuki with some adjustments for our hot and humid weather in Singapore. I’ve also replaced the light brown sugar with caster sugar and reduced to half of the amount in original recipe. Ingredients: Tang zhong 130ml water 25g bread […]

Challah Bread (Dairy Free)

Adjusted the recipe for hot and humid Singapore. And I didn’t want to use another yolk >.< so I egg wash it with egg white instead. My oven is also too small for these loaf so they were placed near the heating coil 😅 hence it’s a bit burnt.

A Quick snack idea – toasted “garlic” bread

It’s busy week for us as kids are down with cough and runny nose. So we are keeping them at home this week till they are well for school.

Made this quick snack with store bought baguette by @hayley_singapore which is vegan friendly.

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