Tag: dairyfreebreadloaf

[Thermomix] Dairy-free Chocolate Swirl Killertoast

Hub said want some chocolate bread for breakfast tomorrow. As it was almost 3pm, I had to use my trusty thermomix and fuss-free killertoast recipe to bake this loaf. This has become my go to bread recipe when I’m pressed for time. I’ve doubled the usual recipe since I’ve got a new San Neng Loaf […]

Vegan Soy Milk Loaf

I used to have a bread machine but the blade went loose so I gave up using it. My dad who is in Indonesia told me to send it back to him to see if he could fix it. He tried fixing it recently but accidentally broke the seal around the blade 😅 the blade […]

Vegan Butterfly pea tang zhong Shokupan

Bought a bottle of butterfly pea from @scoopwholefoods_sg yesterday so trying out this shokupan recipe by @foodie.yuki with some adjustments for our hot and humid weather in Singapore. I’ve also replaced the light brown sugar with caster sugar and reduced to half of the amount in original recipe. Ingredients: Tang zhong 130ml water 25g bread […]

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