Tag: homemade

[Thermomix] Pasta sauce

Ingredients : – 1 medium size onion (halved) – 2 -3 garlic cloves – 20g Olive oil – 1.5cups diced carrot – 1 fresh shitake mushroom (sliced) – 1 canned of peeled tomatoes – Salt – Ground black pepper – Mixed herbs (1tsp Rosemary+1tsp thyme+ 0.5tsp Chinese five spice powder) – Some chopped fresh parsley […]

Homemade Pasta

Homemade pasta is so yummy, I’m thinking if I should invest on a noodle/ pasta roller machine! 😅 but it’s actually quite fun to make it if I have the time ☺️ luckily hubby is back so he helped out and saved me so much time! Lunch is served in 2 hours including making noodle , pasta sauce and vegan mushroom soup all from scratch.

Challah Bread (Dairy Free)

Adjusted the recipe for hot and humid Singapore. And I didn’t want to use another yolk >.< so I egg wash it with egg white instead. My oven is also too small for these loaf so they were placed near the heating coil 😅 hence it’s a bit burnt.

[Thermomix] Kueh Salat/ Kueh Seri muka

This Kueh Seri Muka recipe adapted from thermomix Hari raya favorites recipe 2020 edition, by @adrinaawal I reduced the recipe as I’ve only got 107g of glutinous rice at home 😅 and we can’t finish the whole kueh for the full recipe too. So scaling down is perfect for us. Things to note: Most of […]

Dairy-free pizza and vegan mushroom soup for lunch

Pizza Recipe adapted from @ieatishootipost , prepared the dough yesterday afternoon and left in the fridge for overnight proofing. (About 19 hours for our case). Paired with vegan mushroom soup (adapted recipe from thermomix vegan cookbook) Using dairyfree shredded cheddar from @followyourheart and shredded mozzarella cheese from @violife_foods Adjusted recipe to make 4 small pizzas […]

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