Tag: Miradingkitchen

Vegan sweet bread/Roti Sisir/排包

Last baked this yummy bread in mid May 2021 (you can view it here ) , baking this again today in BIGGER batch 😅 coz the last time we baked, it was gone in less than a day. ☺️ This time we also added some vegan shredded cheese and sugar as the toppings. Adapted recipe […]

Mini Baked Tonkatsu

Bought 500g of butterflied pork loin from @quanshuiwetmarket to make tonkatsu because our kids can’t really bite through bigger cut pork loin 😅 so this pre-cut and butterflied one from quanshui is just nice for making mini baked tonkatsu Adapted recipe from @justonecookbook , amazing site for recipes especially for Japanese cuisines. Super detailed and there’s video plus step […]

Jjajangmyeon / Black Bean Sauce Noodle

After having Kimchi fried rice for lunch that day, we decided to have jjajangmyeon for dinner 🤣 ok. It was just a coincidence as we have the ingredients and also it’s quite easy and quick to make this. Of course we are adapting recipe from @maangchi as usual. ☺️👍🏻 Ingredients (for 4-5 pax):250g pork cut in thick […]

Kimchi Fried Rice

Hubby and I love kimchi and also fried rice! Since kids are having their lunch at school, we decided to have our kimchi fried rice at home.😋 Recipe adapted from our all time favorite YouTuber for Korean foods – @maangchi ☺️ we have been watching her YouTube videos since we were students. That’s about 14 years ago […]

Pao Fan/ 泡饭/Poached Rice

It was a busy evening, so I decided to cook a pot of porridge in the rice cooker. At the last 15 minutes, I was supposed to drop in the minced meat balls into the rice cooker to cook together with the porridge… but shockingly, my porridge ended up to be soft rice due to […]

Vegan butter cookies

Teachers day is coming, I always get the little ones to prepare small gifts and cards for their school teachers and staffs on teachers day. We are running out of ideas this year 😅 as we always try to make something vegan, can keep for a bit longer and homemade. This year, we baked some […]

Pandan Swiss roll

After making Pandan Madeleines, we have some leftover Pandan extract so decided to use it for Pandan Swiss roll. I’ve only added 10g of the green sendiment 😅 so the green color didn’t really show up and taste was very subtle too. Luckily the kids still love it and had it for their dessert after […]

[Thermomix] Pork floss

Occasionally if I could remember, I’d cook some lean meat soup (瘦肉汤) for the hubby and kids. After having the soup, the lean meat used is often thrown away as it’s quite tasteless. But today, I decided to search for pork floss recipe and see if I could turn these lean meats into pork floss […]

Dairy-free Tangzhong Bread Buns

After making Pandan Madeleines with grated coconut, we have some extra gula melaka coconut. My mama introduced coconut buns to me when I was very young. I didn’t like it as much when I was a kid but it has grown on me in my teenage years. Whenever I eat a nice coconut bun, I […]

[Thermomix] Dairy-free Pandan madeleines with grated coconut

Baked these Madeleines for our hightea on Singapore’s National day ☺️ have a bunch of Pandan leaf in the fridge so decided to make some Pandan Madeleines with gula melaka grated coconut (one of my favorite fillings for buns). We love having Madeleines with tea or coffee 😋 Ingredients : 3 eggs (60g with shell) […]

Dairy-free Meat floss cake

As shared in my post for blueberry cream Swiss roll, my first attempt to make the basic Swiss roll cake with the same recipe was unsuccessful. This is the bake from my first attempt which I over baked the cake so it was too dry to roll the cake as it would just crack miserably […]

McD style Dairy-free pancake

Made McD style pancake for our Sunday breakfast with little N. 💖 Recipe from @fongkitchen . Saw this recipe from @wokofluv sharing 🌟 thank you! (make 6-8 pcs of 9cm diameter) Ingredients: 110g plain flour15g sugar1 1/2 tsp baking powder1/4 tsp baking soda1/4 tsp salt 160ml unsweetened soy milk15ml white vinegar1 egg15g plant based melted butter (@plantbasednuttelexsg ) Steps:1. Combine […]

Dairy-free Blueberry Swiss roll

This is my second attempt for this Swiss roll recipe from Veronica @mybakinghub.sg First attempt was not successful, could be my oven was too hot and I couldn’t roll it up (I’ll share in another post… what I did to it eventually  – swipe to sneak peek in the last photo). Anyway, I tried it again […]

Dairy-free Breaded Sausage Bun

Making our all time favorite @sulyntan ‘s #softmilkbun again, shaping is inspired by @phine_wang ‘s mini sausage bread ☺️ kids love the crunchy panko on the crust.😋 This soft milk bun recipe yields super soft bread even after 2 or 3 days. After trying this recipe out in June 2020, we keep coming back to […]

Bacon and Egg wrap

Made some bacon and Egg wrap for our Friday breakfast 🌟 Certainly not the healthiest breakfast 😆 but we are all happy with our Friday morning. ☀️ Ingredients:Whole grain wraps @missionfoods.sgPan fried streaky baconsScrambled eggsDried parsleyEmmental cheese slices @presidentcheeseSauce: tomato ketchup and Japanese mayonnaise Assembly:1. Spread some ketchup Mayo sauce on the wrap2. Lay some scrambled egg […]

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