Tag: vegan

汤圆 Glutinous Rice Ball

冬至快乐!happy winter solstice ! 🙏🏻☺️ It’s a tradition for us to celebrate winter solstice with tang yuan/glutinous rice ball. So this is my first time making character tang yuan/glutinous rice balls for my kids. 😅quite tiring… to make these 40 tang yuan but SO HAPPY to see their happy faces when they have it for […]

[Thermomix] Vegan Pumpkin Cinnamon buns

My kids doesn’t really eat pumpkin unless I turn them into steamed buns or bread. 😅 Bought 2 big slices of 450g organic pumpkin because of the 1-for-1 deal at @fairpricesg express. So decided to re-make the pumpkin buns I made for Halloween since Ms.A has been telling me that she likes that pumpkin bread. Baking with […]

Vegan Elephant Ear Bread

Saw @mijanng beautiful elephant ear bread post and I’ve been wanting to bake one 😬 finally tried it out! Adapted from @moucup condensed milk bread recipe. Replaced some bread flour with whole-wheat flour and also increased the amount of soymilk. Ingredients: 306g bread flour 50g whole-wheat flour @foodsterr.sg 200ml unsweetened soy milk @kikkoman_tounyu 115g @naturescharm […]

Vegan Chigiri Bubble Bread

Been wanting to make this bubble bread, coz it looks so cute! 😍 Adapted recipe from @moucup , and shaping with sesame seed inspired by @rondut So cute and additive to pull and chomp down. This is a very simple recipe. For vegan version, we have replaced the condensed milk with @naturescharm oat condensed milk. Also replaced the milk with […]

Vegan sweet bread/Roti Sisir/排包

Last baked this yummy bread in mid May 2021 (you can view it here ) , baking this again today in BIGGER batch 😅 coz the last time we baked, it was gone in less than a day. ☺️ This time we also added some vegan shredded cheese and sugar as the toppings. Adapted recipe […]

Vegan butter cookies

Teachers day is coming, I always get the little ones to prepare small gifts and cards for their school teachers and staffs on teachers day. We are running out of ideas this year 😅 as we always try to make something vegan, can keep for a bit longer and homemade. This year, we baked some […]

Hua Juan/ Spring Onion Steamed buns

Another batch of not-satisfying-attempt for steamed buns as I tried using a new recipe with shortening. Hoping for that fluffy texture I wanted to achieve. I felt that I had under kneaded the dough which affected the texture and also forgot to cut down the icing sugar so it tasted too sweet to my likings. […]

Sago Pearl Coconut Milk Agar-Agar

Inspired by @khor.hui.min to make this Sago pearl coconut milk agar-agar or jelly with kids as we have all the ingredients at home. Initially, we planned to only use purple sweet potato powder and pumpkin powder. Thinking that these powder will be healthier than coloring. In the end, looking at the texture of the sweet potatoes paste😅 […]

Vegan Chocolate Marble Bagel

First time making bagel!  Using a recipe from @makopantail ‘s blog because it looks pretty simple from her blog post.  https://ko-bo.blogspot.com/2012/11/chocolate-marble-bagels.html?m=1I didn’t do well for the shaping as the bagel open up when I did the water bath 🤣 luckily this didn’t affect the taste at all! We tried the bagel when it’s 90% cooled down […]

[Thermomix] steamed buns/ mantou

Keeping kids at home during this pandemic time means we have to think of endless activities with them 😐 they are either bored/hungry all-day-long. Very often they request for making steamed buns/mantou as they get to have some edible sensory play. This time we made the dough in 2 colors ,red and green. I made […]

Vegan Butter Cookies

Finally found some time to try baking this vegan butter cookies for A. . . Adapted from @sonianll ‘s crunchy butter cookies recipe which I used to bake a lot before becoming an #allergymama . . . Ingredients: 115g dairy-free butter (one @earthbalance buttery stick) 30g icing sugar 80g bread flour 30g rice flour Steps: 1. Cream butter and icing sugar […]

Vegan Butterfly pea tang zhong Shokupan

Bought a bottle of butterfly pea from @scoopwholefoods_sg yesterday so trying out this shokupan recipe by @foodie.yuki with some adjustments for our hot and humid weather in Singapore. I’ve also replaced the light brown sugar with caster sugar and reduced to half of the amount in original recipe. Ingredients: Tang zhong 130ml water 25g bread […]

Sunday Steamed buns

It’s becoming our Sunday activity with the kids 😅 making steamed buns together.


.This time we made 3 colors as requested by the little ms. N.

I made a bigger batch of dough using the thermomix (total dough about 494g I.e 16buns of about 30g Each)



.adjusted recipe from perfection with Thermomix in 7 days -quick steamed buns with some adjustments.

Steamed Cute looking bun (Dairy Free)

Followed YouTube recipe by Tinrry baking ( @wangmeijibuns ) she did a clear explanation of all the steps and key points to note! I was in the rush to go out for dinner date with my girls so couldn’t do design on the rest of the buns 😅. Also we replaced cow’s milk with Unsweetened soy […]

Vegan glass stained cookies

Baked this again and this time is for my girls’ teachers. Baby L was crying and I thought just one more minute of baking will brown (caramelized) the edges better 🤪but ended up with a tray of burnt cookies. Surprisingly ! ….The cookies actually tasted really yummy after slightly burnt! But Ms. N said it doesn’t look nice so told me not to give them to her teachers

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